I am a dutiful wife: I have a duty to love, honour and care for my husband. I am a dutiful mother: I have a duty to my children, to raise them whole and raise them well. Keep them clothed, fed and content, if not truly happy. I have a duty to my family and friends: to care for them when they need me, to listen when they need a listening ear. I have a duty to my readers: to be inspired by the people I meet, to write for their needs. But most of all, and above all else, I have a duty to myself: I have a duty to love, honour and respect my voice. To take care of me, to correctly and vociferously identify, and then understand my needs as a woman, a spiritual being, a wife, mother, friend, writer, singer, daughter, lover, caregiver etc. I have to put duty above all else. Duty to whom? Duty to myself. Because if I don't, duty to everything and everyone else breaks down and falls to shit. #Truth