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Showing posts from November, 2022

I Start Now

I've always enjoyed singing and playing the ukulele... Some might even say, I have the talent for it. So it's been a long time coming for me to take lessons to master both singing and playing the ukulele, so that I may one day perform for a living... How successful I will become after I have fulfilled this endeavour (money, fame, fortune, gigs?), I do not know. But I have to start somewhere, and for the first time in a long time, I finally have a realistic goal I can look towards reaching, that is aligned with my hobbies, love and passions. 26 May 2023 Update: I did not, in fact, begin taking ukulele lessons... #amateurforlife  As for money, fame and fortune, I'd determined to let go of these grand illusions/delusions in favour of a far simpler life, filled with #love #laughter #togetherness and #thatsallimafter (MJ is probably rolling in his grave right now).