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Showing posts from January, 2023

Sadhguru on Depression

 'The line between sanity and insanity is very thin, people keep pushing it'

Kundalini Awakening

'In Sanskrit, kundalini means “coiled snake,” and it is believed that divine energy was created at the base of the spine. It’s energy we are born with, and Kundalini works to “uncoil the snake” and connect us to our divine essence. Kundalini was originally a study of the science of energy and spiritual philosophy.' - Excerpted from  Yogajournal I never asked for my  Kundalini to be awakened . Heck, I didn't even know what it was until 6 years after my first psychotic break. For all that men talk about Kundalini and its power, I feel that women are susceptible to awakening the kundalini by accident, or at least unintentionally, during childbirth or when having penetrative vaginal sex, especially as a virgin for the first time. If 'Kundalini, being feminine itself, is often associated with Shakti , the feminine life force, or sexual energy', it stands to reason that using the vagina for birth and sex can trigger some kind of Kundalini experience for the user. 'An ...

Bipolar: Can't sleep, but not manic?

I have been struggling with sleep of late. My body is tired, but my brain just wants to keep going. Today is day 2 of not being able to shut down and rest. Last night, I slept 4, maybe 5 hours? Tonight, I'm hoping to get better rest. I walked 13,000 steps in a total of 2 hours today, so my body should be adequately tired... So then, why can't I go to sleep? I don't want to rely on sleeping pills. I believe in naturally healing the body. But why is my nature then denying my body sleep, when I've done everything I can to adhere to my human nature? I eat better, I exercise more, get enough sunshine... I'm physically tired, but I just can't get anywhere with my sleep... I'm still on Abilify, so it's not like I'm off medication... Am I headed for an uncontrolled spiritual experience (manic relapse) again? Or is my poor sleep due to my kundalini being awake ? Read more about Kundalini and wakefulness here . Click here for Sadhguru's take on sleep (exc...

The Spirituality of Birth

I remember experiencing, twice, the sensation of breath/life literally leaving my body, when my two babies exited my birthing canal on two separate occasions. I also remember the chill/funny feeling I felt when the epidural needle entered my spine. It was uncomfortable and alien, unwelcome and just... cold. Read about my birth trauma and how it triggered a Kundalini awakening here:  PTSD .

Kundalini and Psychosis

'If one is prematurely exposed to divine energy before the psyche has had a chance to develop/prepare its circuitry, the results can be catastrophic. Unable to tolerate the kundalini energy, the psychic container can become traumatised and turn on itself. Underlying/unresolved trauma and personality disorders are amplified, which if not faced and resolved, the kundalini energy can quite literally send one insane.' Excerpted from  Can Kundalini awakening trigger psychosis? by Jennifer Hiranya Rose Taken from  Yogajournal Taken from  Yogajournal

Bipolar Mania: 'Why do some people have so much energy, enthusiasm, and creativity all the time?'

' I’ve studied a lot of Jungian Analytic Psychology, and this is how I’ve changed from a low-energy person to a high-energy person. Children almost always have high energy. This is because very little of their authentic desires, needs, instincts are repressed (yet). This is why children can eat terrible food and bounce effortlessly from interactive activity to activity. As we grow up, family / friends / society tells us what parts of our original childhood self are good or bad (praised / validated or shamed / useless). We basically get tried to ‘give up’ and suppress a lot of our original drives. For example a drive to be the center of attention or play spontaneously or be a class clown or express romantic / fairytale desire or even just feel powerful. These original needs and drives never disappear, they are pushed into the unconscious and become a ‘ shadow personality ’. It requires energy to suppress them, and because they are themselves sources of energy, we eliminate a ton of ...

I heard the music, in my psychosis

  " Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music. " - philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche I heard the music, in the wards. I even felt like music was being written about me and my spiritual experience, in the next room. I swear, I heard music playing on the old intercom, and a piano tinkling in the next room, trying to put into composition my what my spiritual insanity was trying to communicate. I'd love to hear your music/madness stories.

Psychotic break: I was sperm

At one point, when I was manic and in the hospital, in one of my earliest admissions, I insisted I was blind. I shut my eyes real tight, and remember literally moving around like a worm on the floor. I kept bumping into walls and things, and the nurses kept yelling at me to open my eyes. Ah, good times... But the experience taught me what it must feel like to be a sperm, swimming in the dark, bumping into things.  Another time, it felt like the whole hospital was a spaceship, spinning and spinning, and we were just landing. I also 'directed' the missing MH370 Malaysia Airlines plane in my psychosis. I felt its energy, I connected with it, somehow, and I directed it's safe passage to land. Yes, I have superpowers. P.s., did I also tell you I'm delusional? Lmao. Read more about Bipolar Disorder and sprituality here .

Bipolar Disorder is a Spiritual Crisis

Maybe it is, maybe not... But since so many, if not all those afflicted with bipolar disorder report experiencing some kind of spiritual encounter in mania, or ' deep rest ' in depression, shouldn't we lend some credit, or at least explore the claims that there is an association between manic depression/insanity and spirituality? If this topic is of interest to you, you can explore more about bipolar and awakening at Sean Blackwell's website .

Mental Health and Nutrition: An Alternative to Medication

Nutritional Psychiatry says that your brain can heal from mental illness through food. Enroll in this free Edx course by University of Cantebury right now! ---- Chinese New year It's Chinese New year We all get together To celebrate family One day of every year My parents have made it very clear I don't need medication - now, I am all ears They say (and there is support for this) That food is your medicine or poison I'm currently studying the effects of what I consume, in what proportion Eating junk food inflames the brain So maybe therein lies the fault and blame I have not been taking good care of myself It's no wonder then, that I am in such poor health (Excerpted from my new book Nutrional Psychiatry: Food as your Brain's medicine) Buy the book here .

Good Products Market Themselves


The Definition of God

GOD: Give Own Definition. I personally like to refer to it as Source. 

You control your thoughts

You control your thoughts - i.e. the things you consume (content, food, social influences), and your thoughts in turn become your actions... You make your mind what it is, and what it becomes... Be careful what you decide to put in your body, and what you decide to focus your time and attention on, because it all gets internalised.