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Showing posts from May, 2019

It's the Process that's Rewarding, Not Necessarily the Conclusion

I sign up for projects and work and think 'oh I'll be happier for having done it/achieving this' when really, the most rewarding part of the job is being on the job. Doing the work, experiencing the activities and socialising with the people: that's where the payout lies. Ofcourse, taking a paycheck home is also, if not equally enjoyable. But if you choose only to focus on the end goal, the game itself becomes... Well, cumbersome and exhausting. But if you play to have fun, and enjoy the work you've chosen to do- to immerse yourself in the situation - well, then you create your own gold. *Thumbs up*

I Am Not My Appearance

I'm fat, I have acne/pimples all over my face. I'm 25 and the most unfit I've been, ever. Plastered all over TV and billboards and ad spaces and the media are images of young, beautiful, fit people/models. I'm not one of these people, and perhaps I'll never be. I don't even try to be. I could, if I wanted to. But I don't feel like I need to look a certain way to feel a certain way. I accept the me that I am.

What is My Purpose?

Up until now, I have been buffeted by the forces of change in my life. I never asked to be someone's wife, or mother, but I am. It seems everything I've asked for, I've gotten but couldn't hold on to (my singing/hosting gigs). And everything that's never even occured to me to have/achieve, I have received/attained (being a stay-at-home mom/wife). Perhaps purpose is circumstantial: life happens, and you (& your purpose) happen along with it.

How I came to love washing my kids' backsides

As I was washing my 3-year old daughter's bum after a poo, she says to me 'because you wash my piku (bum) so many times, I love you'. Now I know the value of simple everyday mundane chores. What was once a hassle and troublesome act became something wonderful and amazing - all because I know now my daughter appreciates and loves me for the small acts of kindness I show her everyday.

5 Powerful Words Kids Say

We were at the playground, and there was a particular piece of exercise equipment my daughter was interested in. She got onboard, looked at me and said: "I don't know. Teach me." My 3 year old knows ( learns ) so much more than what most people older than her would. All because of those 5 words.