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Psychotic break: I was sperm

At one point, when I was manic and in the hospital, in one of my earliest admissions, I insisted I was blind.

I shut my eyes real tight, and remember literally moving around like a worm on the floor. I kept bumping into walls and things, and the nurses kept yelling at me to open my eyes. Ah, good times...

But the experience taught me what it must feel like to be a sperm, swimming in the dark, bumping into things. 

Another time, it felt like the whole hospital was a spaceship, spinning and spinning, and we were just landing.

I also 'directed' the missing MH370 Malaysia Airlines plane in my psychosis. I felt its energy, I connected with it, somehow, and I directed it's safe passage to land.

Yes, I have superpowers. P.s., did I also tell you I'm delusional? Lmao.

Read more about Bipolar Disorder and sprituality here.


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