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Introspection: an imagined panel discussion on mental health

I Now Diagnose You Bipolar. But, Why...?

An imaginary panel discussion between myself, and the doctors (at the Institute of Mental Health, IMH) who treated me.

Attention: this is NOT a work of fiction. This is me recounting my experience with my first, second, third and fourth psychotic break...


IMH Doctors (D): From everything that we have observed, you present as suffering from Bipolar disorder. 

Me (S): *My BEHAVIOUR presented/presents as someone living with Bipolar disorder. Now, I respectfully request the panel to please ask me why I behaved the way I did, during that period of my life...

At home, a few days leading up to my first admission:

D: Why did you believe you saw images of a succubus, God-like persons, a handsome Indian man (in the prints on the mirror), and a pair of eyes that belong to a black cat (outside of your bedroom window)? [On your very first psychotic episode/break from reality]

S: I hadn't slept in 4 days. Pretty normal for the sleep-deprived to hallucinate, I'm guessing?

D: Why did you look down 11 floors, with your daughter crawling at your feet, and think 'I wonder if this isn't all just a dream/simulation, and if I were to fall from this height and hit the ground, would the story/simulation reset, and I
re-start, like in a video game?...

Read more here.


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