It's good to see KKH beginning to support women and children through their experiences of trauma, but is that enough? What about going to the root of the problem in the first place - the interrupted birth process, and unnecessary medical interventions during birth, from invasive procedures like ultrasounds , c-sections, inducing birth, etc, the very things causing trauma to mothers (and perhaps even babies) in the first place? One of the ways women are healing through birth trauma is through birth reclaiming ceremonies . According to Dr. Isa Gucciardi in this article , ' a lot of women are undergoing incomplete initiations when giving birth. The result is a spiritual crisis that can leave us feeling confused, lost, and extremely disempowered. While not often understood, an unsuccessful childbirth initiation can be linked to the common mood disorder “postpartum depression.”' Knowing this, wouldn't you agree that it is high time for women to reclaim the spiritual, natura...