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Showing posts from December, 2022

How do I know what God wants from me?

 How do you know what God wants from you? What life has designed, what Source has in store? Well, you never really know, and I'll bet nobody ever really does... We're all just feeling around in the dark here, and anybody who says otherwise is full of cow dung.✌🏽 But I can say this... You can start by looking within, not without, for the greatest expert on yourself (your dreams, wants, needs and aspirations) is you (and possibly your family)! So don't let the pretenders of the world set your guideposts for you. Step up and do the work on yourself, yourself. Reach out to @ clubheal @ samh or your preferred communities to get started, for support and friendship. You'll thank you later. 

Can't Meditate? Try This Instead...

Find a body of water, lie down and float. Let your body relax into the ebb and flow of the water and its movement, bobbing your body gently up and down. Look up at the sky, or else close your eyes, relax your body and mind, and just enjoy.

How to quench your insatiable sex drive

I remember telling my mum (and this was before my marriage) that I wanted to sample sausages. Now, I sample sounds @ sherminukulee /@ healingoffmeds Don't jerk off some jerkoff, go work and work your ass off. Pick up a microphone, not a dick. #theybothphallic #youcanquotemeonthat

How to Start Writing


The Continuum Concept by Jean Liedloff

The first book that confirmed all my suspicions and backed my gut feelings and intuition about child-rearing is this book by Jean Liedloff. I knew in my heart that common conventions are wrong about babies and children, regarding what babies and children need to not only survive, but thrive as emotionally whole and healthy individuals in modern society.  Children need to be carried in-arms, not just in strollers. Children need to be held and soothed, not just allowed to cry it out and 'self-soothe'. Children need to be given freedom to run and play, not just sit in a classroom. Children need to be given autonomy, not just authority. Children need to be allowed to play and flow on their own, not just guided and told what to do. Women need less traumatic births (i.e. waterbirth, doulas, home-births), not just drugs and medical intervention. Parents need support and a village to raise children, not just to go it alone. There is a time and place for tradition, and a time and place ...

Coming Off Psychiatric Medication

I was on 3 years of Olanzapine and Haloperidol (oral pills) and Clopixol (monthly injection) since my last admission to hospital.  My eyes would randomly and uncontrollably roll back into my head every 2-3 days for hours at a time. I was powerless to stop the eye-rolling, and rendered sightless due to my eyes pointing upwards, towards the back of my head. This handicapped me from taking on any jobs, and I couldn't reliably leave the house alone, for fear that it might spontaneously attack while I was out of the house. That all thankfully stopped once I dropped the Clopixol jabs. The Olanzapine and Haloperidol made my memory suffer. I could not recall any of my immediate thoughts, even if only a few seconds had elapsed since I thought them. I favoured junk food and little movement, if I even moved out of my bedroom at all... I would sleep until the late afternoon, and then sleep again in the day, and then all through the night. It was no life at all. I am currently off medication, b...

Support for going off psychiatric drugs

Read Laura's coming off drugs story  here . Follow inner compass initiative on Instagram .

Unboxing Bipolar


Introspection: an imagined panel discussion on mental health

I Now Diagnose You Bipolar . But, Why...? An imaginary panel discussion between myself, and the doctors (at the Institute of Mental Health, IMH) who treated me. Attention: this is NOT a work of fiction. This is me recounting my experience with my first, second, third and fourth psychotic break...       ---- IMH Doctors ( D ): From everything that we have observed, you present as suffering from Bipolar disorder.  Me ( S ): *My BEHAVIOUR presented/presents as someone living with Bipolar disorder. Now, I respectfully request the panel to please ask me why I behaved the way I did, during that period of my life... At home, a few days leading up to my first admission: D : Why did you believe you saw images of a succubus, God-like persons, a handsome Indian man (in the prints on the mirror), and a pair of eyes that belong to a black cat (outside of your bedroom window)? [On your very first psychotic episode/break from reality] S : I hadn't slept in 4 days. P...

Art Vs Academic II

It's not enough for therapists to genuinely and sincerely listen: I think all therapists should be trained to ask 'why', even when the answers are dark and twisted. Light is good for health; well then, so is darkness. Darkness brings healing and depth that light may not be equipped to provide. Especially when the questions and answers revolve around suicide, self-harm and existential depression. Read related by others:  Stuart Sanderson