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Showing posts from January, 2022

I Don't Want to Commit Suicide Anymore

 I had a super vivid dream today. In my dream, my mom and my daughter came home while I was lying in bed. My eyes were open, but I couldn't move. I tried to talk but what came out sounded like Helen Keller's speech. I asked '*mi, where's reyhan?', but but nobody could hear me.  I tried desperately to wake up, but my body would not move. After a few attempts at waking up, I finally did, only to remember that my kids were at school. If this is what death is like - falling asleep never to wake up, but being able to observe your loved ones from a place where you cannot interact with them, then I don't want to end my life prematurely. I want to be around for the ride. *mi is what I call my mum

Just Try

So instead of sitting around with a black cloud above my head, moping, like I usually do, I decided to get up and move to a little bit of music on YouTube. Then, I picked up my ukulele and started to strum and sing some simple songs I liked. And I have to tell you, my mood completely lifted. I no longer have a dark cloud hanging over me. It felt good. I haven't felt this way in a long time. Maybe there IS something to trying new things... I've got nothing to lose, and it beats sitting around, moody and moping, anyway.

The Tai Tai Lifestyle

What do I do all day? I have a husband who works to support the whole family, so what DO I do all day? Well, the day starts with us trying to get our daughter out of bed for school. Once that is done, we go back to sleep for awhile... Then, my husband heads off to work while I continue the day in bed. It's not very healthy, I know. I try to find activities to fill up the empty hours of my day. Writing helps a little bit. On the same thread of unhealthy habits, I also like to order Grabfood. It's usually junk food. I should start taking better care of my body before my organs fail me. So, on an average day, I pretty much just spend it watching TV or browsing the Web looking at memes. It's not terribly exciting, but I get by. I wonder about you. What do you do all day, everyday?