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Showing posts from August, 2020

Finding Meaning in Pursuing your Destiny

I was feeling dejected and down, seeing my life as bleak and meaningless. That is, until I started reading some articles on, specifically their 'Stories of Us' section. It was then that I realised that our destinies are in our own hands. We shape who and what we become, by reaching out and getting for ourselves the very things we want, becoming the versions of ourselves that we want to be. I want to be a writer, and so I reached out to their recruitment arm. Here's hoping they write back. Update: well blow me down, it just came to my attention that I'm already a writer. I'm writing this blog, aren't I? Lol.

I Love to Write

I had not known this to be true - that writing for a living would be a dream come true. Every time my fingers tap the keyboard and words form on the screen, it's like some kind of magic taking over. I pray and hope for more writing engagements; to put my skills and voice to use.