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Showing posts from January, 2020

Heaven or Hell is NOW

Why are we always in such a rush, such a hurry, to be somewhere? What about the present? I see the frazzled, hassled-looking nenek hurrying her charge along, pulling him by the hand. Why? Where are they going? What are they late for? Why do we spend our days and our time on Earth  rushing, worrying, working as hard as we do for our quality of life and standard of living - there is no guaranteed fortune, or heaven, at the end of our existence, so why do we live like we're in hell, and heaven is miles and miles away... when it could very well be on our doorstep, if we just stopped to look, listen, and play..? Why are we going so fast, what am I missing? What's wrong with slowly slowly now? Again, what am I missing out..?