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Showing posts from September, 2019

Balance: Presence

Happiness and fulfillment aren’t something you think your way to. It’s in the doing and being present every day. --- All the thinking and rationalizing in the world is just expending mental energy. At a certain point you have to 'do', and be present in your actions.

The Fulfillment (I.e. work) is in The Act

You have an object. You need to move said object from point A to B. You remove object from point A and carry it to point B. Congratulations, you have accomplished a task, and are now fulfilled. -- You have an object at point A. You have another of the same object at point B. You no longer have any job to do, in relation to ferrying objects from point A to point B. Your service/work is no longer required. You have been rendered not useful, in this circumstance. #obsolete #noworknofulfilment

I hate my life

I wish I could suck and fuck and have fun and not give a damn or two shits about people in my life. I just wish I had the opportunity to have meaningless, animalistic sex, without the consequences. #Girlsjustwannahavefun Update (4 Dec 2022): It's been 3 years since I wrote this post. I can say without hesitation that I have certainly moved past feeling this way in my life. I have experimented within reason, learned and grown a little, and the only sucking and fucking I'm interested in doing now is sucking less at playing the ukulele and singing, and being fucking awesome and winning at life. 😎

On Shame and Teaching a Child

Today, my daughter quietly let go and pissed her panties, puddling onto the floor. I did not get mad - which would have been my usual, tired response when I'm stressed and distracted. Instead, I shamed her. The damage I did to her psyche was far worse than if I had responded angrily, or taken a healthier/more healing approach by supporting and encouraging her, and letting her know that it was okay, we all do silly/undesirable things, make mistakes, and accidents happen. I shamed her by telling her I was not, in fact, going to clean her up, and she could stand in her piddle. She really, really started to cry. And for the rest of the day, she refused to wear panties, asking to be comfortable in diapers instead. I had achieved the opposite effect of what I had set out to do. Shame is an unwieldy emotion that parents, and a patriarchal society has to be or should learn to be careful with. By Ciole Loia, on Quora:

Breathing Exercise

Breathe in, breathe out (deep and slowly). Hold your breath for as long as you can, after the outflow/exhalation. Appreciate the little death in life. The quiet. The void/the chilling-out (state of resting). Go back to regular/more shallow breathing, as you normally would. WARNING: DO NOT TRY IF YOU ARE PRONE TO PASSING OUT FROM HOLDING YOUR BREATH. ATTEMPT AT YOUR OWN PRECAUTION.

The King's Wife, Maya(t) (Fiction)

This is a story of how we became a lost, and losing people. -- Once, there was a king who loved his wife, very, very much. She was his moon, his stars and his ocean.  When he was down, she was his up. And he loved her so much, that he gave his seed to her, 3 times, to grow her womb and bring her fruits into bloom and blossom And he was happy. Alas, that happiness was not to last. One evening in July, as she was out by the garden, gazing at their children playing in the fountain in the great sprawling grounds of the palace, tragedy struck. Her short, impermanent life was taken by a passing beast that had determined to crouch and hide in the bushes. It had no reason to attack and maul her to dying (it did not appear to be hungry), but it did anyway, apparently unprovoked, as her children watched in horror, powerless to stop the unfolding gruesome scene of their mother being torn apart, limb by limb, in the mouth of an unrelenting an...

Who Directs Me/My Life?

I direct my attention, and my attention in turn directs me. What I choose to pay attention to, and give focus to, becomes my life. And my life will continue to revolve around the things I lend importance to, in my mind. Until and unless I turn my attentions elsewhere, onto other tangents, thoughts, and ideas, my life is what I choose to pay attention to. What I choose to think, becomes what I act on. What I act on, gives me fodder for my thoughts. (The attention - direction cycle)